Trendline brings together 25 EU Member States (as well as 4 other European countries as observers) for data collection, data analysis, delivery of road safety KPIs and for using these within road safety policies. KPIs – Key Performance Indicators – are indicators that provide information about factors that are associated with crash and injury risks, e.g. speeding or drink driving.
Trendline is co-funded by the European Union and builds on the experience gained in the Baseline project. In addition to the eight KPIs that had been defined by the Commission and used within Baseline, the consortium has also identified some new indicators, and will develop appropriate methodologies to test these out on a limited scale.

Stay connected
If you need more information about the Trendline project, please write a mail to trendline@swov.nl
To be kept abreast of developments within Trendline, please check our 'News and Events' page. You can also connect to the Trendline page on LinkedIn.
If you have a methodological question in relation to a specific KPI, please contact the chairperson of the different KPI Expert Groups.